Local Organisations
Looking for somewhere to stay locally for friends or relatives CLICK HERE
Organisation | Website and Contact | Phone and Email |
Holy Trinity Church | Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Eileen Reid Caerdach Brackenthwaite Rosley Wigton CA7 8AS |
Tel: 016973 43089 ereid2002@yahoo.co.uk |
Rosley Village Hall | Booking and Enquiries | Tel: 016973 44255 debrajs@live.co.uk |
Rosley C of E Primary School & Busy Bees Nursery | Website: www.rosley.cumbria.sch.uk | Tel: 016973 42776 admin@rosley.cumbria.sch.uk |
Northern Fells Group (NFG) | Website: www.northernfellsgroup.org.uk | Tel: 016974 78094 info@northernfellsgroup.org.uk |
NFG Village Agent for Rosley and Westward | Jackie Clayton | Tel: 07376225134 jackie.clayton@northernfellsgroup.org.uk |
Westward Parish Council | Clerk: Mrs J Webster - Meets quarterly February, May, August and November | Tel: 07796123425 clerk@westward-pc.gov.uk |
Local Clubs, Groups, Meetings
Club or Group | Venue | Phone and Email |
Rosley Art & Handicraft Group | Venue; Rosley Village Hall Mondays at 2pm September to May |
Anne Foster Tel: 01228 525087 j.foster697@btinternet.com |
Baby & Toddler Group | Venue; Rosley Village Hall Fridays 9.30am to 11.30am term time only |
Tel: Vicky 07807628154 or Sarah 07910537198 |
Short Mat Bowls Club | Venue: Rosley Village Hall Tuesdays from 7.30pm, September to May |
Tel: 016973 44909 |
Caldbeck Area Film Society (C.A.F.S.) | Venue: Caldbeck Village Hall - Meets once a month September to April | Tel: 07771 961874 roger@vicargate.uk |
Caldbeck & District History Society | Venue: Caldbeck Village Hall - Meets monthly on Wednesdays 7.30pm at Caldbeck Parish Hall | Tel: 016974 78626 vaux@aol.com |
Flower Club | Venue: Wigton Rugby Club Meets on the last Monday every month |
Tel: 016973 49369 |
Irish Country Music | Venue: Rosley Village Hall | Tel: Adele 07706 597132 or check on Our Facebook Page |
Lunch Group (NFG) | Every third Wednesday of the month 12 noon for 12.30pm - MUST BOOK |
Anne Parry Tel: 016974 78417 email: annparry27@gmail.com |
Women's Institute | Venue: Rosley Village Hall Every 2nd Wednesday of the month |
Tel: 01228 711215 |
Yoga | Venue: Rosley Village Hall Thursdays 6pm to 7pm and 7.15pm to 8.15pm |
Anna Garcia Tel: 07985 737004 email: anuska0480@gmail.com |
Cumberland Councillor | Mike Johnson | Tel: 07840844397 email: mike.johnson@cumberland.gov.uk |
Northern Fells Group Services and Activities
Benefits Help
Energy Advice
Lend a Hand
Meals on Wheels
Oil and Septic Tank Syndicates
Youth Activities
Cookery for Men
Community Workshop - Men in Sheds
Fun Fitness
Guitar & Ukulele Groups
Lunch Groups
Monthly Drop-ins
Friendly Walkers Group
Hearing Aid Checks
Spinning and Wool Craft Groups
Tai Chi
Millhouse Singers
Wi-Fi Drop-ins
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